Help and FAQs
How to order?
To order, you can go to, select the products and add them to the basket, complete your order, or visit our sales stores.
For additional questions, contact number +994 70 808 08 00
Where is your address located?
Baku city Bulbul pr 37a 0124985677
Baku city Muhammad Hadi 21b 0123751685
Baku city Badamdar highway 111A 0125024492
57l Bulvar street, Sumgait city 0102508985
In which cities is online booking valid?
As Ramzioglu baklava, we deliver to any area of the republic (Except for Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic). Orders to regions are registered 1 day in advance and delivered the next day
How is payment made? Card payment, Cash at the door, Card payment available?
- Payment is possible in the following images:
- Online payment during online ordering directly on the site. Card to card, terminal in the center, cash in the center, cash at the door payment systems are also valid.
Note: Credit cards and partial payment cards (birkart, tamkart, bolkart, albali, etc.) are not valid. Only debit cards are accepted.
Contact information and work hours?
Our stores work from 09:00 to 22:00
Contact (+994)70 808 08 00